India Celebrates World Quantum Day 2024-Aspires to lead in Quantum Science and Technology


India Celebrates World Quantum Day 2024 on April 14, 2024, with aspirations to become a globe leader in various fields of Quantum Science and Technology. Quantum Mechanics the study of atoms and sub-atomic particles, has now advanced to such an extent that it has now moved to the engineering domain and is leading to novel and varied applications. Researchers world wide have utilized it's principles to develop technologies such as LEDs, lasers and ultra-precise atomic clocks used in the Globe Positioning Sytem.

India Celebrates World Quantum Day 2024

Considerable attention is now being paid to controlling and manipulating quantum systems for quantum computing, quantum communications and quantum sensing applications. To advance the awareness and appreciation of quantum science and technology among the public worldwide, an international initiative was taken in 2022, commemorated annually as the world quantum Day on April 14th, 2024.

Proj Ajay Kumar Sood, Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India emphasized the global impact of quantum technology: Quantum Technology is the new technology frontier, reached after decades of fundamental research leading to our ability to exploit the principle of superposition, entaglement, and measurement. It promise to lead to applications with immense potential for the globe economy in areas ranging from medicine to the discovery of advance materials and from safe communication to extremely sensitive sensors.